Here's what you'll learn:

The exact roadmap you need to determine if you should cleanse: the most common symptom and bloodwork presentations.

The 6 biggest mistakes EVERYONE makes when embarking on a parasite cleanse (why they're setting you back in your health and wasting your time and money).

My proprietary 4-step process for cleansing your critters in as little as 12 weeks, even if you've never cleansed before or don't know anything about parasites.

Who is Lucy Nepstad?


Lucy Nepstad is a former ecologist turned Root Cause Practitioner. She founded GutsyGreen in 2019 after a Lupus diagnosis forced her to leave her former career and explore natural healing modalities. Now she's helped over 1,000 clients and students in dozens of countries across the world to tackle their unique root causes and finally heal.

Through her acclaimed programs Funnel Flush, The Art of Binding©, and Mitochondria Mastery, she helps health seekers to leverage the mitochondria, deeply detox, and grow their knowledge through private coaching, digital courses, and loads of free content.

Are you ready to get that gut in ship-shape in the next three months?

More importantly, are you ready to stop micromanaging your microbiome and create a sustainable, simpler gut strategy so you can have more freedom, tolerate more foods, and take fewer supplements?

(If you're raising your hand right now, then you definitely need to check out the free class. 😉)

Just enter your information below to snag your seat: