Everything you need to cleanse your critters in 12 weeks and maintain beyond: an ancient toolset for the modern world.

It's time to stop obsessing about your microbiome and start focusing on the big guys:



Passengers, parasites, helminths, whatever you want to call 'em. 

This is where to focus your attention if you're interested in tackling the biggest toxin reservoirs in your body, and the root cause of most chronic gut and immune dysfunction.


What if you were 12 weeks away from getting rid of cravings, resurrecting your nutrient stores, and an immune system that was strong and well-balanced?


...Three months away from possessing an ancient toolset that you can use to reset your digestive system and unburden your exhausted mitochondria.

Parasite cleansing gets a lot of flack out there, a lot of people think it's "woo".

But I've helped over a thousand clients and students to reverse stubborn gut issues, get inflammatory diseases under control, and widen the heck out of their diets by cleansing their critters.

And now?

All of that information can be found in one program.

This is the comprehensive, integrative, sensitive-friendly approach to parasite cleansing.

(And the proof is in the toilet: it works.)

This is Passengers.

Limited-time offer is ending soon!

I know, like you probably know, that this whole mitochondria thing is kind of taking off.

According to literature, mitochondrial dysfunction is at the heart of virtually *all* chronic illness.

And with 6 in 10 Americans having a chronic illness, it's clear we've got something to learn about how to manage our mitochondria.


With all of the sick people out there, and all of the studies on mitochondria--very few people actually understand what drives poor mitochondrial function.

There are far too many people out there obsessing about minutia: the perfect zinc to copper ratios, whether to use prebiotics or eat FODMAPs, and which species show up on stool tests... without understanding the *big picture*.


Toxins suppress the mitochondria...

...and parasites are the biggest toxin reservoirs in the body.


Worms, flukes, and protozoa? They're full of all the stuff that switches mitochondria off:

Heavy Metals




Lyme +

 Other Pathogens

Inside Passengers
 you'll get exactly what you need to parasite cleanse to create strong mitochondria, and a gut that stays in balance all by itself.

And you'll get there without all of the typical myopic decisions about gut support.




Finally getting the nutrients your body needs (parasites will stop stealing them).

Waking up everyday and seeing your progress in the toilet ;)

Sleeping like a rock every single night (parasites party at night).

Looking forward to eating without cravings or crazy food reactions.

Maybe you've got some misconceptions about parasites.


You wouldn't be the first. 


"Parasites don't exist in the developed world - that's just in the tropics."

You're right, there are a bunch of parasites in the tropics...

But there are also plenty here in the US, in Europe, in places where the men in the white coats have been telling us for years they have been eradicated. But it's more likely that we've just stopped looking for them! We have a lot of data that says they're still there. Like this article, this paper, and this paper.

(This gentlemen had never been to the tropics.)


"But, don't parasites have some good qualities? I've heard they balance the immune system, and a lack of them causes disease."

It's true that some parasites can exert anti-inflammatory effects on our immune systems to prevent from being attacked. However, the long-term impacts of these presences and how they interact with environmental factors like toxins has never been properly studied.

Where this has been studied, we've seen that parasites act as reservoirs for toxins in the body, housing exponentially higher amounts of heavy metals, chemicals, and other pollutants in their tissue than is found in host tissue. Read: when mixed with toxins, parasites are very dangerous!

"If I had parasites I would see them in the stool/ they'd show up on a medical test/ I would have overt symptoms."

Parasites have evolved to be covert and stealthy - the flashy ones get killed. Likewise, one of the most common presences in the world, Strongyloides, doesn't lay eggs in the stool, it lays larva. But looking in the stool for ova is how the medical communities diagnose. A recent paper also showed that 95% of helminths are "unknown to science"!

(I see clients all.the.time with negative medical tests and negative GI-MAPs pass stuff like this->)


"Cleansing is woo-woo. It doesn't do anything for your long-term health."

If that's true then every ancestral medicine practice that has ever been studied is blowing smoke. The ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese, and virtually every indigenous medicine practice that has been studied have all heavily emphasized purification and cleansing the body regularly.

Actually, it's we modern humans that are the weirdos for not doing this. On that note, populations in many countries around the world still regularly deworm themselves every year as part of their wellness routine--including non-tropical countries!

So who made this?

Hi! I'm Lucy Nepstad, creator of Passengers!

I'm a Root Cause Practitioner who helps health seekers to leverage the mitochondria and lower their toxin loads so that they can achieve true resilience.

And, oh yes! I've cleansed a few parasites in my day.😉


(Check out some of the passengers from my very first cleanse)


Using what I've learned after naturally managing my Lupus into remission using mitochondria therapies (like parasite cleansing), then helping over a thousand clients and students to do the same, I've packaged my exact step-by-step system, and now I'm sharing that with you in Passengers.

With plug-and-play protocol templates, done-for-you meal plans, cheat sheets, checklists, and a proven, step-by-step system, I've got you covered.

Heck, even if you've never cleansed before, I can help you with that, too!

Your low-maintenance gut is within reach.

Let me help you get even closer.

"But, do people actually pass anything?"











From debilitating respiratory issues to Flukes, Whipworms, and more within two weeks:






From burning digestion to Coffee + Morning Roundworms:





From plugged up and anemic to a 12 inch worm in 6 days:





From sinus worms to no more sinus issues and reversing a life-long dairy sensitivity:





From liver flukes...


...to tapeworms...


...to roundworms...


...to "Ropeworms"...


...and more.


We'll help you pass them in Passengers.

Want to know whether you will pass a parasite?


Check your bloodwork!

The Complete Blood Count with Differential can tell us loads about your parasite presences!

The most common parasite constellation includes one or more of the following markers:

  • Eosinophils above 3%
  • Monocytes above 7%
  • Basophils above 1%
  • Ferritin below 50

Still not sure? Check to see if any of these other markers are out of range.

  • LDH
  • BUN
  • Alkaline Phosphatase
  • GGT
  • White Blood Cells
  • Platelets
  • AST or ALT

(Remember you can be medically in range but out of range *functionally* - learn more about this here).

 Symptoms are also a great indicator.


How many of these common parasite symptoms do you have?

  • Restless sleep
  • Skin rashes, acne
  • Diarrhea or loose stools
  • SIBO
  • Constipation alternating with diarrhea
  • Bowel urgency
  • Abdominal pain, burning, or cramping
  • Rectal and anal itching
  • Anal fissures
  • Ulcers or mucosal lesions
  • Grinding your teeth (sleep)
  • Picking or boring nose with finger
  • Excess or scab-like boogers
  • Fingernail biting
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Irritable
  • Frequent colds, flus, and sore throats
  • Traveled in developing nations
  • Eat pork products
  • Eat sushi or raw fish products
  • Pets sleep in same bed
  • Bed wetting
  • Frequent vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Hungry all the time - bottomless pit
  • Crave sugar and processed foods
  • History of cancer
  • Mood disorder (depression/anxiety/etc.)
  • Hyperactive
  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Need for extra sleep, wake unrefreshed
  • Allergies or food sensitivities
  • Fevers of unknown origin
  • Night sweats
  • Kiss pets and allow them to lick your face
  • Symptoms increase around the full moon
  • Anemias
  • Iron deficiency
  • Vitamin B6 deficiency
  • Zinc deficiency (white spots on nails)
  • Breathing problems, asthma
  • Pain in belly button area
  • Blurry or unclear vision
  • Eye floaters
  • Lethargy, apathy (disinterest)
  •  Mestrual problems
  • Dry Lips
  • Drooling while asleep
  • Occult blood in stool (lab test)
  • Swim in freshwater
  • History of Giardia, pinworms, or other parasites
  • Work in childcare 

And about those parasite symptoms...


One of the biggest tells for ascertaining whether you will receive benefit from this process is how your symptoms respond to the full moon.

Because parasites?

They PARTY during the full moon.

Our melatonin levels drop off.

And serotonin levels sky-rocket.

And parasitse have learned to take advantage, reproducing and communicating with each other during this time.


So for parasite-people, Full Moons can be pretty rough.


But we've got you covered inside of Passengers.

Inside we cover everything you need to know about the relationship between the full moon and your critters, like:

🌕 How our physiology shifts during the lunar phases

🌕 Full Moon Protocol Tweaks 

🌕 And Full Moon Maintenance Cleansing


**BONUS: We also keep you accountable with monthly Full Moon Challenges inside the private community!

So what's different about Passengers?


There are a lot of cleansing courses, gut courses, etc. out there. What makes this stand out?


Put simply: we avoid all of the common pitfalls, and we don't overlook what most people overlook...

...maybe you've made some of these same pitfalls. 


"I can just jump straight into my cleanse - no prep needed!"

This is the biggest mistake I see - and it's a painful one.

Without opening up your body's drainage pathways first you will be miserable!

Parasites hold lots of toxins, but they also release them as they die--those need somewhere to go. Otherwise, they recirculate and cause inflammation. We can avoid this headache with a simple "pre-tox" step.

"All parasite cleansing products are the same - I'll just use the cheapest ones."

This can be the difference between passing and not passing, and horrible side effects or no side effects.... 

When you don’t vet your products they can end up adding to your toxin burden (additives, metals, and plastics) instead of lessening it.

And most importantly, most “parasite cleansing” products on the market simply don’t work. Instead, we opt for quality products that we've seen work over and over again.

"I'm done with my cleanse, now I can forget about this."

Parasites are toxin reservoirs! They release a bunch of them when they die. When you don’t spend some time cleaning up, you sabotage yourself.

This means post initial cleanse, we need to spend time mopping up the mobilized toxins with targeted drainage support.

"I cleansed once, now I'm set for life."

We are always being exposed and there are always parasites in different stages of their lifecycle.

The ancients built this into a yearly practice - most developing countries do too! We need to think of cleansing as a lifeskill akin to eating well and exercising.

After the initial clean out we can move to Full Moon Cleansing anywhere from monthly to yearly depending on your unique needs.

But who is Passengers specifically for?

While Passengers can help everyone to learn to cleanse, Passengers can change.your.life. if you fit into one of these populations:

Detox Warriors


On a root cause journey and working your way through the Mitochondria Mastery Map? Parasite Cleansing is an absolute necessity! It's the early box you'll need to check to make sure the rest of the steps go smoothly.

Allergic Disease


Suffer with asthma, allergies, autoimmunity, or sensitivity? My friend, all of these diseases have a clear relationship in literature with helminth presence. For that matter, all folks with any kind of immune imbalances are great candidates.

Digestive Disease


1 in 5 people has IBS in America and IBS is just one of the digestive disorders associated with helminths in literature. Colitis? Crohn's? IBD? SIBO? Jump in and join us inside the program and get these well-managed naturally.

What's inside Passengers:


Once you join, you are free to go through the course whenever it suits you since you have lifetime access.

That means that in just twelve short weeks, you can have that gut cleansed and back online (and free of passengers!).

Here's what our system entails:



In Phase 1, you'll develop your knowledge on all things parasites: what are they? why do we need to cleanse? what should we expect? and what should our goals be?

You'll learn about The Hallmark Parasite Symptom Wave Pattern, The Toxin-Parasite Relationship, The Drainage-Emotional Connection, and How The Ancients Utilized Cleansing to better their health.

Then we'll meet your Parasite Cleansing Toolkit, and we personalize this toolkit based on your results from our signature Parasite Questionnaire. I'll walk you through getting started with my top-choice products that I've had success with in practice for years—even if you're sensitive!




No one wants to waste time during cleansing, so in phase 2, you'll learn strategies to cleanse in the order your body wants to remove critters with The Gut-to-Systemic Intensive Cleansing Method.

You'll start by cleansing the gut with part 1 of the protocol, and learn how to 10x your cleansing results with our Parasite Cleansing Dietary Strategy, our Full Moon Tweaks, and our Identification Strategies.

In Phase 2, I also introduce you to part 2 of the cleanse: our Systemic Protocol so you can take your results to the next level. (Hint: If you struggle with parasites, there's a pretty slim chance they're just in your gut.)




The magic of parasite cleansing makes it possible for you to keep making progress on your toxin load, even when you’re finished with the inital intensive clean out. And, in Phase 3, you'll put everything in place to make it happen.

Inside, I help you:

  • Choose whether you need to keep cleansing for a few weeks, or move on to "clean up"
  • Choose the best Toxin Clean Up Protocol to meet your needs
  • Set maintenance cleansing goals with the Full Moon to stay on top of your new baseline
  • Create your post-cleanse toolset to bring into your wellness routine, without anyone else's help

Not strong in self-motivation? No worries, because you can plug into regular Full Moon Challenges in our community to keep you accountable and make the process fun and easy!




After the work of the previous three phases, you're now ready to *master* cleansing!

In this phase, I give you my client-favorite Pulse Dosing Schedule (the same one I use in my practice!) to help you reach new levels in cleansing without stressing the body like crazy.

I share High Dose Challenge strategies to help you build momentum as you move through the tiers of maintenance (no post-cleanse fizzle here!), and I show you how to capitalize on your results by leveraging Alternative Products. With the strategies we teach in Phase 4, you'll reach parasite cleansing guru-status. 

Passengers includes...

✅ 17 Lessons with 8+ hours of Root Cause Education


✅ Private support group with coaching


✅ Quizzes, Handouts, and Worksheets

✅ Unlimited updates to course content


✅  Lifetime access to the course and community


✅ Bonus courses and trainings




But about the group...

The Passengers People ($2,000 value) is one of the best parts (and well worth the cost of the entire program).

Housed inside Kajabi (not Facebook!), Passengers People is a great resource for support and solidarity (not to mention coaching and accountability from me).

Some practitioners jump ship after a your initial cleanse  — not me. I keep showing up and providing tips, guidance, and strategies—whenever needed.

That means that as you build your cleansing prowess, you don't have to go it alone. I'll be there, as well as your other fellow cleansers!

Stuck with detox symptoms? Need help identifying what you pass? Struggling with a certain concept or with sticking with the protocol? No fear. I'll be here! (Inside Passengers People.)

**Passengers People is now The Class Pass Community! Same amazing support group, different name.

You'll also score some ✨AMAZING BONUSES✨

You'll get...


The Passengers 4-Week Meal Plan!

(a $200 value)


“What do I eat during my cleanse?”  

Use The Passengers Meal Plan! 

...so you know exactly what to eat during your cleanse to support yourself.

  • Done-For-You Grocery Lists
  • Nutrition Breakdowns
  • Easy recipes under an hour
  • Delicious, nutrient-dense, whole foods *without* allergens 

...AND get the PIG: Passengers Identification Guide!

(a $200 value)


“How do I know what I passed?”


Use The PIG: Passengers Indentification Guide!


...so you know exactly how you’re doing and what you’re moving.

  • Cestodes, Nematodes, Trematodes, Ropeworms, and more!
  • Diagrams and pictures from the toilet--so you know how they really look.
  • Common characteristics and species.

Lifetime Access

Don't navigate those murky cleansing waters alone! You've got Passengers, and it's not going anywhere.

Yes, regardless of when you decide to start—whether next week, next month, or next year -- you get lifetime access to the content.

I don't nickel and dime you with monthly membership fees or update fees.

No catch. No strings attached.

Lifetime access to the content and group are just part of the one-time investment you make when you enroll in Passengers

Got questions? I've got answers!

We're SO sure you'll love this course...


But if the content in Passengers truly doesn’t feel like a good fit, simply email us within 48 hours of purchase and we will issue you a full refund.

After those 48 hours, you're stuck with us. (But I think you'll see that's a very good thing.) 😉

Whether you want to achieve way smoother and more regular digestion without all the supports...


Whether you know or suspect that parasites are at play for you, but you don't know where to get started...


Whether you've used antimicrobials before but feel overwhelmed about potential "detox reactions"...


I can help you inside of Passengers.


Above all, I cut through the gut chaos to bring you clarity and equip you with "big-picture" knowledge. 


After all, knowledge is the best resource. Once you've got it, the world opens up.


Passengers is designed to transfer my knowledge to you in a fraction of the time I spent learning it, and for a fraction of the cost I paid to learn it.


That means getting through your cleanse faster, with less speed bumps, and moving more parasites. 


You've read this far...


But now you've got a choice to make:

Ignore the intuitive ping you likely feel when you see the parasite pictures (many people suspect they are dealing with parasites - and most of them are right).


Finally take action with a proven system for cleansing your critters in 12 weeks, and a toolset for maintaining into the future, gleaning all of the benefit of ancient wisdom.


Imagine where you could be just two months from now...

You're ready for insomnia-free nights to be the rule, not the exception.
You're ready to stop feeling like you're always hungry and malnourished.
You're ready to have your gut work like it's supposed to, every time.
You're ready for a way to make it happen with less detox-fallout and frustration and more FUN.
You're ready for balance in your immune system again and a gut that runs on autopilot.


You're ready for Passengers.

Doors close soon.

Choose an option below to get started:



one-time payment

1 x payment of $197 gives you forever access to:

  • The Passengers E-Course (a $888 value)
  • The Class Pass Community (a $999 value)










*most popular*

1 x payment of $97 gives you 1 Month's access to:

  • The Mitochondria Mastery Coursework, including the Forgotten Framework + Mindset Methods (a $1397 value)
  • The Funnel Flush E-Course (a $444 value)
  • The Passengers E-Course (a $888 value)
  • The Class Pass Community (a $999 value)
  • The 4 Bonus Courses and Trainings: The Art of Binding, Probiotic ProwessThe 7 Day Gut Soothe, and Energize Your Enzymes (a $900+ value)