The safe + natural approach to burning-symptom relief.
Start with a gut soothe, then follow the S.E.E.D. roadmap to reboot your stomach acid, kick the TUMS, and normalize your digestive function.

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Then you'll love our Class Pass Membership! With a simple 3-part framework and a low monthly price point, it's the smart way to kick off your roadmap back to health.
What customers are saying...

“'I was on Nexium for about 4 years and saw my digestion get worse and worse while on it. I decided to try your program and lord am I glad I did! Getting off of that stuff has really changed me.. My wife says the color in my face has come back, I've lost a good amount of belly weight. And I can digest meat again without paying for it later. Thanks Lucy! Your heaven sent.”
-Dave B.

“My digestion has never worked this good!!!! That mucosa tea stuff has been a game-changer. I have had no stomach pain since I was on it.”
-Andy M.

"Lucy, I am in awe of what I'm learning in this course! I feel like it's all stuff that I'm familiar with but that I've never known how to put together. Thank you for putting so much thought into this and for creating clarity for people like me. I'm so appreciative!"
-Heather D.